Hello everyone my name is Gabriele Orman ,Welcome to my youtube channel
Here you will find beauty ,fashion and life style related topics targeted at boys and girls and everyone in between as i dont like to pigeon hole myself or other people ,i do however have a lot of transgender related topics as i am transgender myself and want to help in anyway i can.
if you would like to follow me on my social media then i would love to here from you personally as i beleive the interation should continue outside of youtube
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my facebook is
i will look forward to hearing from you as always
if you would like to subscribe then tap the subcriber button and for new video uploads please also press the bell next to that
Gabriele x
crossdressing , clothes for crossdressers, crossdresser makeup, male to female crossdressing , transgender, lgbt, transgender woman, gender identity, gender identity disorder, transgender help, what’s the meaning of transgender, gender dysphoria, best male to female transition, hrt changes, transgender depression female prosthetics for men, best tgirls
Nude, naked girl and boy photos & videos. Update hourly!

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