Getting more than we give - realities of volunteerism: Ian Breckenridge-Jackson at TEDxUCR
Ian Breckenridge-Jackson is completing his Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of California, Riverside. He specializes in race, gender, and class inequality with an emphasis in social movements. Ian was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and a grant from the University of California Center for New Racial Studies for his work studying volunteerism and activism in post-Katrina New Orleans. His work has appeared in Policy Matters, the Routledge International Handbook of World-Systems Analysis, the second edition of Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex, and Power, and the Handbook of Social Movements across Latin America (forthcoming). Ian is a co-founder and executive director of the Lower Ninth Ward Living Museum in New Orleans, an entirely free and volunteer-run museum and oral history project dedicated the Lower Ninth Ward, which continues to struggle against its erasure nearly ten years after Hurricane Katrina. The mission of the Lower Ninth Ward Living Museum is to promote community empowerment through remembering the past, sharing stories of the present, and planning for the future.
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