DNA Genesis - The Children Of Adam - National Geographic Documentary Films - Full HD Documentaries
The human genome project and the study of the genetic markers contained within DNA have now brought to light the story of man’s origins and his journey across the planet. This National Geographic documentary film follows Dr Spencer Wells as he retraces that incredible journey.
71:13 “What is amiss with you that you cannot look forward to God’s majesty, (14) seeing that He has created [every one of] you in successive stages?
71:15 “Do you not see how God has created seven heavens in full harmony with one another, (16) and has set up within them the moon as a light [reflected] and set up the sun as a [radiant] lamp?
71:17 “And God has caused you to grow out of the earth in [gradual] growth; and thereafter He will return you to it [in death]: (18) and [then] He will bring you forth [from it] in resurrection.”
Out of the darkness, the “big bang” brought into being space, time and a multiplicity of cosmic systems. Man’s creation “out of the earth” then came about in two ways. Firstly, there is his physical evolution, the “gradual growth”, of the human species out of more primitive biological organisms in accordance with God’s plan of creation – with every living thing being a unique creature – all the way back to the first “living entity” which was formed out of substances – both organic and inorganic – found within the primordial sea. And then there is our own individual creation out of the metamorphosis of earthly nutrients into reproductive cells – coming together to form the fertilized female ovum – and then the embryological development “in successive stages” of a new, self-contained, human entity. The modern plant and animal kingdoms that support human life have also been brought forth “out of the earth” alongside the creation of man.
39:6 He has created you [all] out of one living entity, and out of it fashioned its mate; and he has bestowed upon you four kinds of cattle of either sex; [and] He creates you in your mothers’ wombs, one act of creation after another, in threefold depths of darkness.
31:28 [For Him,] the creation of you all and the resurrection of you all is but like [the creation and
resurrection of] a single soul: for, verily, God is all-hearing, all-seeing.
2:213 ALL MANKIND were once one single community; [then they began to differ] – whereupon God raised up the prophets as heralds of glad tidings and as warner’s, and through them bestowed revelation from on high, setting forth the truth, so that it might decide between people with regard to all on which they had come to hold divergent views.
The Quran does not propound, as might appear at first glance, the idea of a mythical “golden age” obtaining at the dawn of man’s history. This ‘ummah wahidah’ (“one single community”) alludes to the relative homogeneity, that is, to the widespread instinctive perceptions and inclinations characteristic of man’s primitive mentality and social order. Since that homogeneity was based on a lack of intellectual and emotional differentiation rather than on a conscious agreement among the members of human society, it was bound to disintegrate in the measure of man’s subsequent development. As his thought-life became more and more complex, his emotional capacity and his individual needs too, became more differentiated: conflicts of views and interests arose – and mankind ceased to be “one single community” as regards their outlook on life and their moral valuations. And it was at this stage that divine guidance became necessary. As such, man’s proneness to intellectual dissention is not an accident of history, but an integral, God-willed aspect of the development of human nature and consciousness.
7:22 But as soon as the two had tasted [the fruit] of the tree, they became conscious of their nakedness; and they began to cover themselves with pieced-together leaves from the garden.
The story of Adam and Eve is, in reality, an allegory of human destiny. In his earlier state of innocence man was unaware of the existence of evil and, therefore, of the ever-present necessity of making a choice between the many possibilities of action and behaviour: in other words, he lived, like all other animals, in the light of his instincts alone. The growth of his consciousness – symbolized by the willful act of disobedience to God’s command – changed all this. It transformed him from a purely instinctive being into a full-fledged human entity as we know it – a human being capable of discerning between right and wrong and thus of choosing his way of life. By forbidding him to “approach this tree”, God made it possible for man to act wrongly – and, therefore, to act rightly as well: and so man became endowed with that moral free will which – alongside the countless intellectual, emotional and physical abilities which God has bestowed upon man – potentially elevate him far above all other beings.
‘The Message of the Quran’, www.openingislam.com
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