Daily Guidance with Nicole Oman: September 7th-8th: Full Moon is Pisces Special
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Good Morning,
Being a Virgo, I am feeling this full moon lesson in a big way. I wanted to share with you, in my experience, what I am feeling this full moon is teaching us. Virgo is the Goddess of Reality and Pisces is known to be “close to God.” When there is a full moon, there tends to be a difference in opinion on what is more important. In this case it is Magic vs Reality. When we start getting into our “spiritual” process sometimes we may pendulum swing over to allowing magic to be more important than than living on this planet. This makes us want to escape this reality, trying to find the next hit to allow us to feel an “out of this world” experience. This could lead us to addictions to drugs, alcohol, sex, or food. This could trigger our addictions to combat this heavy reality energy. But the opposite could be true for you as well. If we only focus on the mundane, we can feel depressed, heavy, and life feels futile, which is also not a great place to be. I feel that the key to this transit is to see how these two voices can work together. Where can you find the magic in the mundane? What are you truly grateful for? Where do you need to bring a little enchantment in your life? Or where do you need to ground; and instead of having a grass is greener point of view, allow yourself to appreciate this gift of life. Find you sweet spot. I think this transit can bring a whole new appreciation for why you have incarnated on this planet.
Thanks for watching.
Lots of Love,
Nicole Oman
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