The Library's Legal Answers for Makerspaces | Ebook
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Library makerspaces are truly transformative, inviting library users to create, innovate, and collaborate. But like any cutting-edge initiative, makerspaces also bring up a host of new and unique legal questions. In this first-of-its-kind e-book, three legal experts deliver detailed and reliable answers in plain language for library managers and staff, along with legal citations. Organized in Q & A format for quick reference, this concise resource offers sound advice on such issues as key clauses to look for when evaluating insurance coverage; American with Disabilities Act (ada) compliance; how copyright applies to 3-d printing, plus guidance for handling controversial output such as sex toys or swastikas; parental release forms for minors; what trademark law has to say about action figures and logos; how to protect the library from secondary infringement claims; and avoiding negligence lawsuits.untangling the knotty legal questions surrounding makerspaces, the authors straightforward answers will empower libraries to use makerspaces to foster a true sense of community.
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