Abraham Hicks ~ Love, Sex & Emotional Guidance
Abraham Hicks ~ Love, Sex & Emotional Guidance(zmahoon law of attraction video series)
You want to look for somebody to love, not for someone who loves you. Sometimes love becomes addictive, but if I love myself then it doesn’t become a need. If you decide that you are only going to be emotionally available to your Inner-being then you are not dependent on anyone. You want to make sure that the Source of your love is never depleted and that is only possible if you are aligned with Source – that’s why it’s called Source.
Free ebook: “If thoughts create…then how do people attract negative events they have never thought about?” available at http://www.zmahoon.com
For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit http://www.abraham-hicks.com.
For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit www.zmahoon.com
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