Vatican issues guidance on dealing with sex abuse, SNAP reax
Vatican – 16 May 2011
1. Wide of journalists reading new sex abuse guidelines in Vatican press office
2. Mid of journalist reading guidelines
3. Close-up of Vatican bulletin, pan down guidelines
4. Wide pan right of Vatican press conference
5. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman:
“Another of the aspects that seems to me to be very present in the guidelines, in particular the American guidelines, but also in others, is the whole area of prevention. That is, all the formation and attention given to the signs that could indicate that there are situations of abuse of minors.”
6. Cutaway of journalists
7. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman:
“It says clearly that it is necessary to collaborate, it is necessary to collaborate with the situation that is there in that country, if there are laws, then those laws should be observed.”
8. Close-up of journalist taking notes
9. Set-up shot of Nicole Winfield, Vatican correspondent for AP outside Vatican
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Nicole Winfield, Associated Press Vatican correspondent:
“Presumably if these guidelines are tough, if they are stringent, and most importantly if they are enforced, if the bishops follow them, one could hope that it would certainly not rule it (sex abuse of minors) out entirely but would reduce it. The problem has been, and victims’ advocates will say, that bishops continue, even in countries that have very strict guidelines, bishops continue to fail to enforce these guidelines, they fail to do what is necessary to keep priests out of ministry once they have been accused and to properly screen priests from even getting into the priesthood.”
11. Wide of St. Peter’s Square
Los Angeles – 13 May 2011
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Joelle Casteix, Western director of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP):
“I believe that what will be issued by the Vatican will not protect a single child anywhere in the world, and will not put a single child molesting cleric in jail.”
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Joelle Casteix, Western director of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP):
“The only reason that the Vatican is addressing the issue at all is because the problem has landed on the pope’s doorstep. But they’re just simply guidelines. If they really wanted to protect kids and to stop child-molesting clerics, they would require every bishop to call the cops any time there’s an allegation of sexual abuse. They would lobby for stronger civil laws in all of the countries where they are to protect children who are in the process of being abused or who have been abused in the past. They would open up their files and out every single child-molesting cleric, inform law enforcement and inform communities of the risk. The guidelines that are going to be issued Monday are less stringent than their rules for the Latin Mass. So that tells you what little importance they’re placing on it.”
14. Cutaway of hands typing
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Joelle Casteix, Western director of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP):
“Well, the only reason that the church has been forced to come clean about sexual abuse has been because of strong domestic laws in the countries where they operate. So they should lobby to help strengthen those domestic laws. They should adhere to those laws. They should open up their files and tell people about child-molesting clerics that have worked in parishes and dioceses across the world. They should reach out to victims.”
16. Close-up of computer
17. Mid of Casteix at computer
Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican’s spokesman, said the letter clearly stated the need for collaboration with the laws of any given country where the church operated.
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