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Bogged Down By Sex Probe, Ailes Resigns

On Thursday, Fox News chairman and CEO Roger Ailes resigned amid a sexual harassment investigation. The head of the channel’s parent company, Rupert Murdoch, will take the reigns as Fox News chairman and CEO. Ailes was one of the most influential men in television and politics. Under his guidance, Fox News became the number one news station in America, offering a roster of conservative voices to counter act the liberal and progressive voices on MSNBC. Politically, Ailes had a great amount of power in the conservative movement and with Republicans nationwide. The stunning fall from grace has left many wondering how the channel will bounce back and what his departure will mean for politics in America.

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Bogged Down By Sex Probe, Ailes Resigns Bogged Down By Sex Probe, Ailes Resigns Reviewed by Unknown on 9:36 PM Rating: 5

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