Expectations and the Process (HWMOMW pt. 5)
Sometimes we can be overwhelmed with all the expectations that are placed on us in our lives.
We must ask and receive from God daily to help us to be willing and able to meet the wants and desires of our spouses. God may work within you an overnight miracle or it may be a process. Let’s walk in the patience and long-suffering of Jesus as God works in us and our spouses – Trusting that He will finish what he started within us. Christ will give us the marriage that will give Him glory and edify and encourage us in the process. Expect and ask God to make your marriage enjoyable and pleasurable. He is faithful and willing.
Your marriage can be an amazing blessing! The Holy Spirit is more than able and willing to help you through any areas of your marriage that need improvement and help to keep continual flames burning for one another. Let’s be willing to protect, nurture and cultivate our marriage relationships. Keep our prayer lives open to receive grace and change from our Lord. Allowing faithful, honest, great communication to flow from each other. Asking and expecting God to do the great work necessary within all of us so that His Love rules in the midst of our marriages. We should strive to continually connect with each other emotionally, spiritually and sexually. We hope you enjoyed our series and please leave us your comments below on what you would like to see from us. We look forward to engaging our audience with thought-provoking insight that will help us live every moment, laugh every day and Love beyond words in Jesus Name Amen!
http://bit.ly/marriageworksgv – Entire “HWMOMW” series
Custom Link for this Video: http://bit.ly/HWMOMW-Process
Resources below that may help you grow and thrive in your Marriage:
http://bit.ly/237b7Vx –The Leon Show, Guests John and Helen Burns “Marriage and Expectations”
http://bit.ly/1OgcgmP – The Leon Show, Guest Dr. Allan Meyer “Stopping Junk Sex”
http://bit.ly/24GCXdV – Joseph Prince, Experience Victory Over Sexual Immorality
http://bit.ly/1WcIAPW – The Leon Show, Guest Sheila Wray Gregorie “Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex”
http://bit.ly/1TL3oKn – The Leon Show, “Get Your Sex Life Back, and Have Fun Doing It!”
http://bit.ly/1q1dYCu – The Leon Show, “Sex: Beyond Just Physical”
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Music Credits:
Artist – Justin Bieber ft. Travis Scott
Song – No Sense
Album – Purpose
Artist – Nat “king” Cole
Song: L-O-V-E
Album – Nat king Cole
Buy “No Sense” Here: http://amzn.to/1rAiEAY
Buy “L-O-V-E” Here: http://amzn.to/1Oatx0K
Its important for us to always seek the person of the Holy Spirit for guidance in our daily lives.
Asking Him to take care of us and show us the person of Jesus Christ in our daily living and in our daily scripture reading.
Meditating on the Word and asking the Holy Spirit to show you Jesus Christ within the scriptures, ask the Holy Spirit to feed/strengthen you, and give you revelation as we read.
Asking for Jesus to Change us from Glory to glory and allowing us to fulfill our destinies. Asking God to help us steward whatever He has currently given us in Life and to ask the Holy Spirit Daily to give us wisdom for our everyday decisions.
Asking for the fruit of the Spirit and love of Christ to shine through us in every relationship in our lives. In addition waiting, Listening to the Lord and praying these things for the believers and unbelievers in our current sphere of influence and the ones the Lord brings across our paths.
Let us be kind, respectful and generous to those who believe us and for those who don’t as well.
Disclaimer: Please respect one another when posting comments and sharing ideas and thoughts.
Please no arguing back and forth within the comment section. All ideas/opinions mentioned are from what I believe the wisdom of the Holy Spirit has shown me via my life, what I have learned from others and the Word of God.
The thoughts and motives expressed in this video are honest and are my own and are intended to be helpful. The insight and wisdom given by the Lord is ever-evolving to us and we all see life and the Word of God in part.
Please keep in mind that individual results may vary. Thank you!
Nude, naked girl and boy photos & videos. Update hourly!

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