WA St HiEd Conf. on Sexual Assault: Jennifer Devine: Title IX/Sexual Misconduct
This presentation reviews the rapidly changing regulatory landscape with regard to an institution’s federal law obligations to prevent, respond to, and report sexual assault and other sexual misconduct. Topics covered include the Clery Act, VAWA and the recent amendments under the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (Campus SaVE), the VAWA regulations scheduled to take effect in 2015, and the impact of the White House Task Force “Not Alone” Report. The goal is to assist campus administrators in understanding and implementing guidance from the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights ranging from OCR’s 2001 Revised Sexual Harassment Guidance and the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter to the recent 2014 Questions and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Violence, and to discuss how lessons learned from other institutions in OCR compliance reviews and resolution agreements can be incorporated on Washington campuses.
Presenter: Jennifer Devine focuses a large part of her practice on educational institutions, advising on staff and student employment, faculty tenure, grievances, student conduct and discipline, Title IX policies and investigations, threat assessment and behavior intervention, FERPA, public-records, accreditation, regulatory and nonprofit compliance, bylaws, policy handbooks, and other shared governance issues. Jennifer understands the public relations aspects of an institution’s decisions and is adept at assisting boards and administrators in balancing the needs and interests of the various constituencies they serve.
Conference materials available at: http://www.councilofpresidents.org/safewacampus.html
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