Understanding the Sex Myth: Rachel Hills at TEDxLoughborough
“Painting Humanity” – Recorded on 16th March 2013 at TEDxLoughborough in Loughborough, UK.
Venue: Loughborough Student’s Union at Loughborough University.
■ Talk:
Turn on the TV or head to the Daily Mail online, and you could be forgiven for thinking we live in an age of unprecedented sexual hedonism, fuelled by teen sexting, pornography, and The Only Way Is Essex. But the reality of young people’s sex lives looks very different. In this engaging and thought-provoking talk, Rachel Hills introduces the Sex Myth: the modern Western philosophy of sexuality that ties our identity and value to what we do in the bedroom, with anxiety and inflated expectations as the result.
■ Speaker:
Rachel Hills is an Australian writer living in the heart of England — London. Her work has been published in The Atlantic, The Spectator, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, NYmag.com and more, and her blog, Musings of An Inappropriate Woman, has more than 50,000 subscribers around the globe. Rachel’s book, The Sex Myth, will be published internationally in 2014.
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