The Key To Guidance In Todays World | Imam Muhammed Asim Hussain
Benefit of Durud Sharif
Nabi-e-Ramat, Shafi’-e-Ummat, Shahanshah-e-Nubuwat, Tajdare-Risalat صَلَّی اللہُ عَلَیْہِ وَسَلَّمَ said, “Last night I witnessed a strange scene. I saw one person from my nation who was crossing the bridge (Sirat) by dragging himself and by crawling on his knees.Suddenly, the peace and blessings that he sent on me arrived and made him stand up straight on the bridge to the extent that he crossed the bridge walking.” (Al Mu’jamul Kabir, V25, P281-282, Hadiš 39,Dar Iya-ut-Turaš-ul-‘Arabi Beirut)
!!!***Satan’s three traps***!!!
Sayyiduna Faqih Abu Laiš Samarqandi narrates in
Tanbih-ul-Ghafilin: “Sayyiduna Wahb bin Munabbih narrates: A pious man from the children of Israel went somewhere once. On the way, at one spot, a stone plateau fell from the top, close to his head. He started the Zikr of ALLAH
and it moved away from him. Scary beasts and lions then
started to appear in front of him, but he did not panic and
continued with the Zikr of ALLAH, When the pious man
started his Salah, a snake wrapped itself around his foot, and
crawled over his body, so much so that it reached his head.
When the pious man intended to prostrate, the snake would
wrap itself around his face. When he would bow his head to
prostrate, the snake would open its mouth as if to bite his
forehead, but the pious man would remove him and
successfully prostrate. When he finished praying, Satan openly came in front of him and said, “I was the one who was doing all this. You have a lot of courage. I’m quite impressed by you.Therefore, I have decided that I won’t ever whisper (my) evil to you. Please be my friend.” The pious man from the Children of Israel refuted this attack of Satan also and said, “You tried to scare me but I didn’t get scared. I will never be your friend.”
Satan said, “Okay, ask me the states of your family
after you and what will they go through.” The pious man said,
“I do not need to ask you.” Satan then said, “At least ask me
how I deceive people.” The man said, “Yes, tell me that.” Satan
said, I have three traps:
1. Love of money,
2. Anger and
3. Intoxication.
Explaining all three of these, he said, “When I cast the net of love of money on someone, he gets stuck in the web of wealth. I keep reminding him that you have very little money.
This way he gets
engrossed in the love of money and even refrains from spending on
obligatory matters and even gets attracted to other people’s money…
and this way he gets entrapped in the love of money and falls into sin.
When someone falls in my trap of anger, I play with him and toss
him around in my group of Satan’s in the same way that children
play with a ball. An angry person, regardless of his high status or
knowledge, even if he can resurrect the dead with his prayers, I’m
never upset with him. I always hope that some day he will lose
control in a burst of anger and say something that will destroy his
hereafter. As for intoxication, the person who falls in this trap, the
drunk (or drug addict), I take him by the ear towards evil the way a
shepherd takes a sheep.” In this way, Satan explained that the person,
who gets angry a lot, is played with in the same way that children to patience so that he doesn’t become a prisoner to Satan and waste
his good deeds.” (Tanbih-ul-Ghafilin, P110, Peshawar) Benefit of Durud Sharif Nabi-e-Ramat, Shafi’-e-Ummat, Shahanshah-e-Nubuwat, Tajdare-Risalat صَلَّی اللہُ عَلَیْہِ وَسَلَّمَ said, “Last night I witnessed a strange scene. I saw one person from my nation who was crossing the bridge (Sirat) by dragging himself and by crawling on his knees.Suddenly, the peace and blessings that he sent on me arrived and made him stand up straight on the bridge to the extent that he crossed the bridge walking.” (Al Mu’jamul Kabir, V25, P281-282, Hadiš 39,Dar Iya-ut-Turaš-ul-‘Arabi Beirut) !!!***Satan’s three traps***!!! Sayyiduna Faqih Abu Laiš Samarqandi narrates in Tanbih-ul-Ghafilin: “Sayyiduna Wahb bin Munabbih narrates: A pious man from the children of Israel went somewhere once. On the way, at one spot, a stone plateau fell from the top, close to his head. He started the Zikr of ALLAH and it moved away from him. Scary beasts and lions then started to appear in front of him, but he did not panic and continued with the Zikr of ALLAH, When the pious man started his Salah, a snake wrapped itself around his foot, and crawled over his body, so much so that it reached his head. When the pious man intended to prostrate, the snake would wrap itself around his face. When he would bow his head to prostrate, the snake would open its mouth as if to bite his forehead, but the pious man would remove him and successfully prostrate. When he finished praying, Satan openly came in front of him and said, “I was the one who was doing all this. You have a lot of courage. I’m quite impressed by you.Therefore, I have decided that I won’t ever whisper (my) evil to you. Please be my friend.” The pious man from the Children of Israel refuted this attack of Satan also and said, “You tried to scare me but I didn’t get scared. I will never be your friend.” Satan said, “Okay, ask me the states of your family after you and what will they go through.” The pious man said, “I do not need to ask you.” Satan then said, “At least ask me how I deceive people.” The man said, “Yes, tell me that.” Satan said, I have three traps: 1. Love of money, 2. Anger and 3. Intoxication. Explaining all three of these, he said, “When I cast the net of love of money on someone, he gets stuck in the web of wealth. I keep reminding him that you have very little money. This way he gets engrossed in the love of money and even refrains from spending on obligatory matters and even gets attracted to other people’s money… and this way he gets entrapped in the love of money and falls into sin. When someone falls in my trap of anger, I play with him and toss him around in my group of Satan’s in the same way that children play with a ball. An angry person, regardless of his high status or knowledge, even if he can resurrect the dead with his prayers, I’m never upset with him. I always hope that some day he will lose control in a burst of anger and say something that will destroy his hereafter. As for intoxication, the person who falls in this trap, the drunk (or drug addict), I take him by the ear towards evil the way a shepherd takes a sheep.” In this way, Satan explained that the person, who gets angry a lot, is played with in the same way that children to patience so that he doesn’t become a prisoner to Satan and waste his good deeds.” (Tanbih-ul-Ghafilin, P110, Peshawar)
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