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CAHR2016 - Clinical Sciences Plenary

PrEP at Age 5: Growing up Fast – Presenter: Dr. Jared Baeten

In 2010-2011, pivotal clinical trials demonstrated for the first time that antiretroviral medications, used as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), could significantly and safely reduce the risk of HIV acquisition in persons at risk of HIV. The past five years have seen substantial advances in PrEP, including demonstration studies proving that effective delivery of PrEP in a variety of settings is possible, research to understand best practices for PrEP provision, and the development of normative guidance on how to deliver PrEP. PrEP is a new prevention tool and it highlights a multitude of opportunities and challenges: a biomedical intervention (a pill, or other approaches) that requires specific behaviors for successful and safe use (HIV testing, interaction with the health system, perception of risk, adherence), its operation in a diverse social context (sex, stigma, relationships, power, gender) with important public health and public policy implications (costs, trade-offs, legal frameworks). PrEP offers real promise to contribute to turning the tide of the global HIV epidemic, but implementation is just beginning; achieving success will require continued science, education, and advocacy.

Learning Objectives:

– To understand the concept of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention.

-To review data from the pivotal studies in men who have sex with men and heterosexual men and women, including clinical trials and implementation evaluations.

-To consider opportunities and challenges in the delivery of PrEP for HIV prevention in multiple settings.

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CAHR2016 - Clinical Sciences Plenary CAHR2016 - Clinical Sciences Plenary Reviewed by Unknown on 11:15 PM Rating: 5

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